Siner, s.r.o.
Discus – Siner is the family business, whose mind and heart is the fish keeper Jozef Minčák, the economic section is being taking care of by the executive manager Antónia Minčáková and their son Daniel Minčák is in charge of a promotion and communication with a foreign clients.
Jozef Minčák´s taken up an interest in the aquaristics 40 years ago, and since 1995 specializes on the Discus keeping. Our family business has started commercial fish keeping in 2002. We are from Slovakia, from Bartošovce, near the historical city of Bardejov. In 2007 we have built the new hall, where we have connected Jozef Minčák´s fish keeping experiences with the available technologies, which we keep up to date. Nowadays, the capacity of our tanks is 80 000 litres of water on the area of about 300 square metres. We are constantly working hard on the high quality of a fish we are keeping. There is always a sufficient amount of a diffrent color varieties in our tanks, which you can find on the global Discus´s market. We also offer them in a diffrent sizes.
